Thursday, September 30, 2010




[What to comment upon?]


Now for the last few days we haven't really seen anything in the news we have wanted to write about it all seems pretty certain how things are going along, that's badly for the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex and its determined effort to complete the Father of Terror, Grand Chessboard Strategy and cage the Peoples Republic of China and the Russian Federation behind its missile wall built around them, and Trident Submarines at their highest patrol levels in their history, an now wanting the Taxpayers of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex to shoulder the increased tax burden of building up its Footholds Europe and Japan as the Dollar continues to weaken against all other major world currencies. But we finally began to look at things from the countries that have been under the boot heels of that never ending occupation.


[Okinawa who's real estate is it anyway?]


We were reading the dumb comments made by the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex [SOS] Secretary of State Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton concerning the Senkakus Islands [Clinton: Senkakus subject to security pact], which the taxpayers of the Military Industrial Complex are in the complete dark about, but its simply the Hillary believes that they the taxpayers of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex should go to a nuclear war over a small set of islands which are in debate over who's territory it is the Japanese Empire or the Peoples Republic of China, but that being said it came to mind Okinawa who's real estate is it anyway? The real question the people of Japan including its central government included is just who does Okinawa belong to? The way things are looking the [SOS] and her boss in the Oval Office of that Military Industrial Complex think's it not only is the Real Estate of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex it's a State of that Complex, much as Alaska is a detached but still State of the Complex.


[Time to sell Okinawa?]


It really has become that moment in history when the Central Government of Japan, its economic masters, and its tax base too answer the question as to just who does Okinawa belong to, what is the benefit of its remaining the property of a foreign state, the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, what are the short term and long term interests of the Japanese Empire and its tax base, and what does such a continued arrangement mean? It appears that all it means at this point in history is a burden upon the Central Government of Japan as each year a new Prime Minister is put into office, and the needs of the Japanese people are made second to the needs of a foreign force of occupation an occupation that no longer serves the interests of the Empire of Japan or its people. So, now if the answer is Okinawa is to remain the sole Foothold property of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex shouldn't Japan just sell it off or give it way to that Complex and wash its hands of it, is there any real benefit to the continued support of someone else's property, with no benefit to the Japanese Empire beyond being a burden to the Japanese economy and its people? The Russians sold Alaska, maybe its time the Japanese sold Okinawa!



Saturday, September 25, 2010






Now, there is a situation once again in Japan, as reported by [], American [GI] Government Issue, arrested after assaulting cop, an American Air Force Officer by the name of Captain Aaron Wares, drunker than a lord, sucker punched a Japanese Police Office, and now the Regular Enlisted in Japan are looking to pay the price, well long before the boys enlisted in the modern American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex Foothold Forces of Occupation in Japan, there was an active Draft, not that you just had to go down an register at the local draft board, get your draft card and forget about it as it is now, you were going to get a friendly letter from your friends and neighbors in the mail with your induction notice within a short time unless you were a rich kid, or daddy was connected, so they are not what we called [US's] Draftees, so [RA-RA] don't feel blue you could have been a [US] too, a two year [PFC] Proud Fracking Civilian, but they had a choice so they are  your [RA] Regular Army which across the board means you willingly signed on the dotted line, raised your hand and do the time, for big money college deals, and re-enlistment bonus checks.


[Just another Zero]


So, yet another Zero [Officer] has proven they are Zeros, and the entire rest of the Foothold Forces of Occupation in Japan are going to pay the price, and what is that price, well what they call a lock down, for the navy guys that's restricted to the ship, no liberty, no going ashore, pier liberty only, to dump the trash in the dipisy dumpsters, but they are looking for [39] days with lock down of base's with officers only having liberty cards issued and with a buddy, to be able to go on liberty, again for the navy, officers have to normally have the permission of the Commanding Officer to depart the ship, but this time he would have to have another officer accompanying him. Normally Officers [Zero's] cover up for other Officers [Zero's] , they get drunk and chase after another [Zero's] wife at a function, or are caught drunker than lords cruising thru Officers [Zeros] family's base quarters, they may get [Hack] restricted to their quarters for a few days, but things are heating up on the Foothold Forces of Japan, no one wants them there, from the taxpayers of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex to those Japanese that have their boots of occupation on their necks.


[Yankee's Go Home!]


So, we have not only another Ugly American but one who serves at the pleasure of guess who, the guy in the White House, lets see just how far down the old soft shoe man will bow this time to the Emperor of Japan, or maybe he can give him a lesson in the old soft shoe like he gave to those of the Foothold Europe.  We can only hope that major anti-Ugly-American demonstrations are on tap for his visit, and they will be well deserved demonstrations. The question that now should be on the lips of everyone are the Footholds doing more hard than good, and the answer to that is YES!!! Rapes, Drunk in public, Sucker Punching Cops, at even the [Zero] level is presenting the true [ULGY AMERICAN], when were in an era that NUKES are going to settle any major war, as can be seen with the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex planning to use them on the Shi-ite Persian Republic of Iran in a pre-emptive strike as reported by (, Russia Today. The cost and bad [PR] Public Relations out weight the continued occupation of Foothold Europe and Japan, it is time for those Foothold of Occupation to become proactive in demanding that the "YANKEE'S ULGY AMERICANS GO HOME! A lot of us are tired of paying your freight while your drunk in German Beer Halls yelling Bier Heir, or drinking warm Sake in Japan, acting the Ugly American, serving no practical modern purpose in the defense of anything, when the Nukes start flying you better hope your not too drunk to bend over and place your head between your legs and kiss your backsides good-bye.



Friday, September 24, 2010




[A bad marriage]


Now we have been calling for the ending of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex Footholds Europe and Far-East ever since it has become increasingly apparent that the United States of America does not exist and has been replaced by the new economic and military Empire established between the American Empire and its partner State Israel. Since this is the state of affairs in the [21st] Twenty-First Century, then any and all alliance do not apply and therefore the Footholds are not in the interests of those countries that have been for so long under the military occupation of what has been the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex. There is an excellent article on [], entitled, New vision of Japan-U.S. ties needed at key turning point, in which William Brooks, an adjunct professor at [SAIS] The John Hopkins School of Advanced International Studies, has been stationed in the American-Israeli American-Israel Military Industrial Complex  Embassy in Tokyo Japan for the past [15] Fifteen years said and we quote,  the relationship between Japan has basically stated the relationship between the two countries has become a Bad Marriage, operating on autopilot, on-the-spot, ad-hoc, Band-Aid diplomacy, with little or no interest in or with each other.


[Marriage Counseling ]


We believe that like so many marriages that have reached the point of no return no amount of marriage counseling no amount of lets take and have another honeymoon, especially after the kids have grown up and move away, never mind about the grandkids as if they would really care, this marriage has stopped being a marriage of convince, it is one of necessity for the American-Israeli Empire, but one of a burden for both those involved in Foothold Europe and Foothold Japan, and certainly a VERY LARGE, economic burden on the taxpayers of the American half of the American-Israeli Empire who are looking at yet another large and growing burden on the Taxpayers of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex,  as the cost of the Footholds  to not just about the maintenance of their Footholds at the present state which is costing more and more with each passing day as the Dollar declines against the currencies of the Foothold locations, but their plans to yet increase the scale, size, and upgrading of these Footholds, in fact we will call you don't call us.


[D-I-V-O-R-C-E Time]


There comes time for a [D-I-V-O-R-C-E] , it is time for the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex Foothold Forces, Europe and Japan to take their things and move out. No, we don't need a cooling off period, a time out, counseling, mediation, a reaffirmation, or a honeymoon period, we need to tear up the marriage contract, it is a piece of paper that one could just as well wipe their backsides with at this point. This high cost, high maintenance non functional, wound Band-Aid covered, marriage of no body is happy but Wall St., Washington D. C., and the Pentagon, and the [300] Special Relationship Israeli supporting members of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex Government, an no one with the Foothold on their necks this marriage is over and its time for the Footholds at the door, and upon the necks of those Foothold countries and at the expense of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex Taxpayer, to be lifted from their necks,  to have the door slammed on its foot. It is time for separate living arrangements, were not getting back together as bed partners, you can visit but call first, in fact, Don't Call Us, We'll Call You!


HERCULE TRIATHLON SAVINIEN                         

Monday, September 20, 2010




[Can a Leopard Change its spots]

The question is can a Leopard change its spots, and the common thread answer thru history has been NO! So, what has this got to do with anything, it has to do with the new Clinton, that is now Hillary and not Bubba, Middle East Peace Conference. We tend to agree with history and think that neither Hillary Diane Rodham Clinton nor Benyamin/ Binyamin Netanyahu Benyamin/ "BiBi Gift from God" Netanyahu Prime Minister of Israel, are capable of any degree of change, and that the [PA] Palestine Authority are at a complete disadvantage in these talks facing an uphill fight of [2::1] Two against One and the [PA] are the one. Hillary is looking for that notch in her belt in diplomatic diplomacy that Bubba failed to achieve and BiBi is more semblance than substance, which even the [EU] European Union see's as only symbolic gestures and declined the sending of their High Representative for Foreign Affairs Catherine Ashton, to Washington, D. C. from the [EU].        


[The Three Hundred]


The [PA] is at a sever disadvantage as the entire World views both Israel and America as just one in the same, the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, with [300] Three-hundred of Washington, D. C. elected representatives out of [544], or [55%] fifty-five percent, having signed a pledge of unwavering support for the State of Israel, and the Special Relationship which they feel exists between themselves and the State of Israel, were as a majority of Americans believe that if Israel and Iran go to war, the [US] United States, should not intervene militarily on Israel's side, not the signs of a Special Relationship on their part.


[Stuck in the Mud]


So, were both Hillary and BiBi are playing this whole thing up as some sort of Milestone, in the end it is looking more like its going to be another Gravestone event in Peace negotiations in the Middle East, the [EU] is so negative about the meeting that they rebuffed the State of Israel over the improvement of trade agreements between Israel and the [EU].  The continued pronouncement that, well its going to take time, sounds more like were stuck in the mud, the wheels are spinning and were running out of gas. You simply can't have [2] two against [1] one, well not really it's the American-Israeli Military Complex dragging the [PA] into its court and beating a deal out of them for political gain, just to have another Peace In Our Time, announcement that falls apart well before the ink is even dry of the signatures upon the paper.



Sunday, September 19, 2010


Footholds and New Treaties, and the Sea of Change


[A German Perspective]


First we would recommend that everyone read the [NATO's New Strategic Concept - A German Perspective: Speech by Minister of State Werner Hoyer at the SWP] on (, it is an eye opening read, the footholds are beginning a rapid slippage, both Foothold Europe and Japan are calling for new treaties, and all reference to building a cage around the Russian Federation, is out of the question to both Footholds, they what an end to the Grand Chessboard Game, and end to the confrontation with the Russian Federation and/or the [PRC] Peoples Republic of China, and they mean now, not some day, at some point down the line, but now. Any treaties signed in the past are in the past and they want new treaties, of international cooperation that are tied to the [UN] United Nations, and other organizations within any area of international confrontation. We hit a nerve when they all began to take a look at the cost of the cage being built and what its effectiveness would really be, none, but is breaking the world's economy, at the cost of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex.


[Who's paying for it?]


The deal is who is going to pay for this cage around the Russian Federation and China, the answer is China, Japan, and those who are taking in American-Israeli Treasury notes, which also means future generations of their citizens not yet born will be carrying the debt of a failed Cage. When the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex wants to get bigger and strengthened it is at dollars that are in decline and with each passing day they becoming worth less, which means more Treasury Notes have to be issued, making the dollar that much more worthless, and puts more debt upon the next generations, who have more of their dollars taken, to pay for that debt, it becomes a vicious circle of lend me more, which creates more debt, an at some point the whole thing comes crashing down. The cage can't be maintained at what ever level it is when it can't be maintained, it can't be strengthened, it can't be held, it can only be abandoned, just as the Romans abandoned Adrian's Wall, in Britain, the [USSR] Union of Soviet Socialist Republics buffer zone of states around its boarders, even in the early United States of America Ft. Kearny had to be abandoned the cost for a period was simply to high to maintain its presence within Native American Tribal areas.


[The Sea of Change]


The fact of the matter is that no nation today is going to pay for its own occupation by the American-Israeli Complex Military Industrial Complex, and treaties are not written in stone they are written on paper and often are not worth the paper that they were either written or signed upon, the Tudors and King Henry VIII signed one after another made promises one after the other for their own gain, does anyone remember the famous [PEACE IN OUR TIME] as uttered by Neil Chamberlain, no of course not its not taught in history classes. The age of FOOTHOLDS, are seen for what they really are Footholds in the sand on the edge of oceans of worlds ever change tide, and that tide has come in, and those Footholds are going to be simply washed away, by the sea of change.



Friday, September 17, 2010





[The Military Industrial Complex Creates Poverty]



Now, we have as stated before, been watching the weakening of the Footholds of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, with a great deal of interest, and had been struck by the Cavalier Attitude both the Russian Federation and the [PRC] Peoples Republic of China had been taking towards the prospect that both Footholds were to be strengthened vise being abandoned, and then the brilliance of it all came into focus, what the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex is doing was to cause the implosion from within of the State as is described in the Art of War, written by Sun Tzu meaning Master Sun in [544BC], If the campaign is protracted, the resources of the State will not be equal to the strain, which Ronny Ray-Gun used to break the former [USSR] Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, which became the modern day state of the Russian Federation. So, what is happening, the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex is draining the resources of the State to the point of breaking, to the point were [1/7th] One-Seventh of the Citizens of that American-Israeli Empire are now living in poverty, with the prospects of that percentage increasing rather than decreasing.



[The Cost of the Cage]



Look at the monetary facts alone, in the [1980's] the American-Israeli Empire dollar was about on par with the British Pound Sterling on a one-for-one equality, but today, it takes a Dollar and Half to purchase One British Pound Sterling, and a Dollar and a quarter to purchase a Euro, with the Dollar in decline against both currencies, and what does that mean, it means a lot more tax's have to be levied upon the people of the American-Israeli State, it means that money must be diverted to the maintenance of the Footholds at a higher and higher level just to keep them at their current state, and by choosing to strengthen those footholds the cost becomes even more of a drain to the resources of the State, forcing more of its citizens into poverty. The Russian Federation had gone down this road under the Stalin Theory of the maintenance of client boarder state occupation, as a buffer zone against those coming to Russia with the closed fist of war. But today Russia is developing a modern [21st] Twenty-First Century leaner meaner, rapid deployment military force, with pin-point targeting of prospective enemies, limiting the amount of its countries wealth in that pursuit.



[A Wheel Barrel of Dollars]



At what point does a State simply collapse under the weight of such a burden, what is the breaking point, is it [1/6th], [1/5th], or [1/4th] of a states population living in poverty, or is it at a lower level when it simply implodes under the weight of taxation and debt, now there is a question, Germany during [WWI] World War One, simply couldn't afford to fight financially, a wheel barrel of money could only purchase a loaf of bread, at what point does the Dollar take a wheel barrel of that currency to purchase a loaf of bread, at what point does China and Japan simply say we can't handle anymore of your debt. So why should the Russian Bear be concerned about having a cage built to contain it, the cost of building and maintaining let along upgrading and strengthening it will break the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, its State, and people, while enriching the State coffers of the Chinese State, and Japanese Empire. The American Empire is bleeding itself dry, and the cage will simply fall as the Berlin Wall.




Thursday, September 16, 2010



[Yankee Go Home!]

Reports of Anti-American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex continued Foothold support for military bases to remain in not only Germany and Japan, but Afghanistan, Iraq, Turkey, and the other [300] three hundred American Empire bases scatted around the globe as has not only been reported by the [BBC] British Broadcasting Company site [], in an article [US sees world influence declining amid economic woes, but also by the Japanese (, [Anti-Futenma candidates win big in Nago City election]. As the people of Japan are now pitted against the Central Government in Tokyo, but no government can stand very long against the will of its own citizen's support, and there is increasingly growing support for the removal from Japan of all American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex Foothold Troops, the sediment is no longer restricted to just Cuba, of Yankee Go Home!, but is spreading world wide.


[Special Relationship Must End]


The Days of the Zbigniew Brzezinski, the Father of International Terrorism, and the Grand Chessboard Game Theory, for the domination of the world by the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, are over, and the days of the Special Relationship between the United States of America and the State of Israel must end, along with the American Empire they must become things of the past, as both the Military Industrial Complex, and the American Empire are brought to their end as relics of the past, the majority of Americans do not support American intervention on behalf of the State of Israel if it chooses to pursue its intensions of going to war with Shi-ite Persian Iran. The rest of the World has thru their political systems demanded that no such attack be launched.  

[Relationships of Mutual Interests] 

In the future any political candidate in any country that supports the idea of letting American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex views to hold sway over the interests of their own country, or continued cooperation with the intelligence services of that Military Industrial Complex, the [CIA] Central Intelligence Agency in conjunction with the Israeli Mossad, will do so at the risk of not only their own political careers but their reputations, and questions to their own loyalty, to their nations, and interests in achieving economic growth and peace within the [21st] Century. World citizens are now looking for balanced relationships, based on mutual interests, not tilted, to the benefit of one side or the other, but in the interest of both, at the cost to neither side beyond reason.   


Wednesday, September 15, 2010






Do you support the Tea Party movement?


We have entered the [21st] Century, we are in a new millennium, the old answers, the old party lines, the [17th] Century Constitution of the United States that was thrown out during the Nixon Administration for the Military Industrial Complex Government not longer works, so do we support the Tea Party movement, the answer would be we support any movement that will bring about CHANGE, the Military Industrial Complex, has to be made a thing of the past for the good of all mankind, the Foothold Holds Europe and Japan must not be allowed to be increased as per US Rep. Barney Frank admits is the present plan but must be eliminated, it is time for change, by what ever name it is packaged in.



Will Tea Party-backed candidates win Senate seats in November?


Only time will tell, but it would not be such a bad idea if in fact they did, it would break the two way government that is not working into a type of Parliamentary Style government were they would have to come to some compromise with a working partnership, if anyone is going to get anything passed, the our way or the highway gridlock has a better chance of be avoided, because two against one the one is simply moved out of the way. We will move forward, over you.  



How will the movement shape mid-term elections?


If nothing else its like many other movements in many other countries if you even are British the Tudors had a movement that started in Yorkshire, that had hard an effect on the entire political history of England, in Germany it was the Nazis Party, in the American Colonies it was the Democratic Party, and than the Confederate States of America, we can go down the history of every country in every past and present nation, and the new nations that will come to be, we expect that there will either be a rude awakening to those in power, or the next movement will be far more powerful, and far less willing to tolerate the maintaining of an out dated system that is in the way of Change and Progress.


How should the Republican Party react to the movement's successes?


The question should have been how should the Military Industrial Complex, react to the movement's successes? And that question has already been answered by the Sec. of Defense Bob Gates who has turned the Office of Homeland Security's operations inward, no longer interested in the so called Terrorist Threats posed from the outside but against perceived Terrorist Threats, form within, the sure signs of a country that is distress. It will become a matter of just how Change will be brought about, the peaceful old age death of the Military Industrial Complex, or in a violent struggle to maintain its existence, all things are born brought into existence, go thru a lifetime of change for either good of bad and then they die, but life and change goes on.



The real questions that should be asked by the community of nations are,


1. Do you feel that the Military Industrial Complex of the American Empire should be ended?


2. Do you feel that the Footholds Europe, and Japan should be Strengthened or should they be done away with?


3. Do you feel that there should be a movement for Change within the American Empire?


4. Do you feel that the American Empire and the American Empires Military Industrials Complex is a force for good within the new World Community of Nations, or a relic of a violent past [20th] Century?


5. What would you do if trapped within the American Empires Military Industrial Complex mentality, and system?



Tuesday, September 14, 2010




[Footholds to be Strengthened]


Frank and Beans, Massachusetts Democrat, U.S. Representative Barney Frank the Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee, has spilled the beans, there can no longer be any doubt that the American-Israeli Empire has since the era of President Dwight David Eisenhower, been building a nuclear cage around the former [USSR] Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, now the Russian Federation and the Peoples Republic of China, and we quote; Frank says. He says Washington's been plotting and planning for decades to move Futenma to northern Okinawa, along with new military port facilities, to [STRENGTHEN] the U.S. military footprint. Unquote [Source: www.JapanUpdate.Com.] from an interview given by Frank on [NPR] National Public Radio. And to believe that the same plan does not extend to Foothold Europe and Germany considering the past plans concerning the placement of missiles in Poland, and the American-Israeli Military involvements in the Republic Georgia, it is not a hard connection to make.


[John D. Rockefeller to Ike]


The base for the plan goes back to the time of John D. Rockefeller (120) one-Hundred and twenty year ago, who (PREDICTED), Russia will soon be in a position to tell anyone, "We can do without you, but you can't do without us." A man of really unusual vision, and here we now are, by (2011) Twenty-Eleven, the Nordstream Pipeline which will move gas under the Baltic from Russia to Germany, and the Blue Stream Pipeline which will move gas under the Black Sea from Russia to Turkey, are both scheduled to be completed, in (2011), and now South Stream! But, the plan came into full bloom under one Zbigniew Brzezinski, the Father of International Terrorism, and the Grand Chessboard Game Theory, for the domination of the world by the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, a plan that was in the offing during the Presidency of Dwight David Eisenhower, who warned of what was coming and we quote; In his January 17, 1961 farewell message to the nation, Dwight Eisenhower said: "In the councils of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence, whether sought or unsought, by the military-industrial complex." Ike was persuaded by advisors to leave "congress" off his famed "military-industrial complex." But that would be the very definition of fascism in the "national security" state: the unbreakable amalgam of the military might of the State within the corporate structure to manage it and profit from it, and the congressional complicity in the name of "jobs back home." The National Defense Highway system started in the 1950's by Dwight David Eisenhower was funded through the Defense Department. Military spending does not have to be on toys for the brass. "The potential for the disastrous rise of misplaced power exists and will persist," unquote.


[Ike to [911]]


The time to implement the Zingier Brzezinski, Grand Chessboard Game Theory strategy, came with the Bush Senior Administration, and was carried forward to his son Bush the minor, and [911], it is clear that those in the twin towers on that day were not innocents for many reasons, the first of having been willing participants by their See Nothing, Hear Nothing, Know nothing attitude, allowing the Military Industrial Complex to draw upon them both for financial support but manpower for its machine, but as unwitting pawns in the Grand Chessboard Strategy. The [19] nineteen individuals who gave their lives as martyrs too their own personal believes, did so willingly this was not some staged wag the dogs tail movie event. But, was the American-Israeli Military Complex fully aware that the attack was to happen, and that answer is YES! How do we know this, it is common knowledge that those workers of the Jewish Religion did not show up for work on that day and this from the poet laurite of New Jersey, and reports that had been given to the [FBI] Federal Bureau of Investigation, that Arab citizens on Visas were taking flight lessons but were not interested in how to land the aircraft in small flight training courses, and the local office of the [FBI] both in Los Angles and San Diego, The Republic of California were in surveillance of two of the cells that either had members of the [19] nineteen living there or had connection to these cells, this is all common knowledge.


[[911] to the Caspian Sea Basin]


It is now crystal clear what the end game is, to substantially increase the size of the Footholds Europe and Far-East, too take control of the Caspian Sea Basin with its [20%] twenty- percent of the worlds crude oil deposits, and all shipping lanes, pipelines, and processing facilities connects to that area the reason for taking control of ownership and cutting present ones, is to force the [PRC] Peoples Republic of China to its knees, holding a lions share of the Military Industrial Complex debt, and having to purchase its only present energy source from the American-Israeli Complex which would than control that asset. The Russian Federation would for its part have the resources but not the ability to benefit from them without having to move those assets thru facilities controlled by the American-Israeli Military Complex systems, with American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, [WMD's] Weapons of Mass Destruction, Chemical, Biological, and Nuclear, within minutes of any targets within the Russian Federation, its not about entering Russia with the closed fist of war its about putting the Russian Bear into a Complex Cage, talk about spilling the beans Franks opened a can of worms and threw them in for good measure.


HERCULE TRIATHLON SAVINIEN                      

Monday, September 13, 2010




[Judith Purse Not Barneys' Wallet]


Now, we have tried to keep up with the issue of ending the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex Foothold Far-East and Europe, as both Japan and Germany struggle to break the Foothold upon their necks that have been in place for now going over [65] sixty-five years, and we were pleased to see that there is now concrete evidence to suggest those Footholds are in fact beginning to slip, and its about time. Japan has announced that Massachusetts Democrat, U.S. Representative Barney Frank is calling for the withdrawal of all American Empire Military Industrial Complex troops of occupation from the soil of the Japanese Empire. We are not talking about a relocation to the island of Guam, at a cost of [€1.6B/$2B] One-Point-Six Billion Euros/Two-Billion-Dollars, a sum that the Chairman of the House Appropriations Committee is not willing to pay, so we should expect a showdown between,  Guam's Senator Judith P. Guthertz, who is the chair of the Committee on Military Buildup and Homeland Security in the Senate, a supporter of the Grand Chessboard Game Theory of Zbigniew Brzezinski the Father of International Terrorism, who supports that  relocated from Japan to Guam, at taxpayer expense, but  considering that the American Empire's [EPA] Environmental Protection Agency announced ruling was the Islands infrastructure could not handle, and no one knows just were the money would come from, without cuts coming within the Pentagon structure, Judith will have to come up with the money out of her own purse, its not coming out of Barneys' wallet, and not on his dime or at his expense.




In [2006] the American-Israeli Empire had agreed to the building of [2] two [1km] One-Thousand Meter long runways in a V-shaped configuration on the coastal area of Nago, on the Prefecture of Okinawa, near the American-Israeli Camp Schwab, and with the transfer of military flights of [C-130] aircraft and helicopters to Tokunosima and other unspecified location, Kadena Air Base has long been a serious noise pollution problem caused by being the home base to [60] sixty [F-15] fighters and [15] fifteen [KC-135] air refueling tankers, as well as a set of[P-3] Orion Navy reconnaissance aircraft and many visiting aircraft missions, on the Okinawa Prefecture. Both the Japanese Empire [EPA], and the U.S. Representative agree that there was no real chance of the projects either abating or reducing noise pollution. In fiscal [2008], the government of Japan registered [39,357] occasions in which American-Israeli Empire  aircraft exceeded the upper limit set by the Japanese national government standards, plus the lack of any real chance of enhancing the safety issue's of flight training over heavily populated areas, as mother nature will have her way in this area.


[Ending the Grand Chessboard Game]


The Congressman admitted openly that in fact the American-Israeli Empire has been for decades been planning to move Camp Futenma to the Northern part of Okinawa, building new military port facilities , shifting other military operations to the Japanese Mainland from the Aomori Prefecture and Iwakuni Marine Corps air base in Yamaguchi Prefecture to [6] six Japanese air self defense bases on the mainland of Japan, which is already in progress with the first [6] six [F-15's] from Kadena having been relocated to Hyakuri base in Ibaraki Prefecture on the Japanese mainland at the same time while sticking it to the [PRC] Peoples Republic of China Sphere of Influence positioning  [59] Fifty-Nine [Empire] carrier Fighter Aircraft, which the Nationalist  Chinese Island of Taipei says its not going to accept or put up with as the Japanese are extending its [ADIZ] Air Defense Identification Zone, a line that a military aircraft must first provide flight details to the national airspace into which it is entering or will meet with prompt interception by military means, in other words they could use what ever means to take it down. Now, for those of you who can't quite grasp the concept, Israeli-American Empire fighter aircraft become legal targets of the Nationalist Chinese, but that also means the Red Chinese, mainland government has that right, as they consider the Nationalist Chinese Island as their territory, including its airspace, beginning the strengthening of the American-Israeli Empires Footprint in the Far-East at the expense of both Empires tax base, while increasing tensions in the area, and we can assume that this same strategy is one that can be applied to the Foothold Europe in Germany, not a plan to withdraw either nuclear weapons or other military assets but to increase, while increasing tensions along the Russian Federations Boarders with Europe, all this under the Grand Chessboard Game Theory of Zbigniew Brzezinski the Father of International Terrorism, The (FSWD) Full Spectrum World Domination Strategy, Preparing the Battlefield, Clear, Hold, and Rebuild the World in the mirror image of the American-Israeli Empire, the problem is that Massachusetts Democrat, U.S. Representative Barney Frank, is basically saying he's no longer willing to fund the Grand Chessboard Game it's too expensive and it's a new millennium it's the [21st] Century.



Sunday, September 12, 2010




[Just Keep the Bennie's Coming]  


Now we have been reading all the lies that are being repeated again and again coming from the very peak of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex, out of the mouth of the individual seating in the oval office, of that Complex, and it is all lies. The fact is that it is a War Against Islam, the two systems are in direct conflict ideologically, neither can co-exist with each other, Islam is about the family, were as the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex is about greed, and power for the few, its about the greed of Wall St., with the backing of the crooks and criminals of Washington D. C., backed up by the Military Complex of the Pentagon, paid for and supported by American Public who want the benefits of the crimes they commit but want to know nothing about how those benefits came to be gotten, We See Nothing, We Hear Nothing, We Know Nothing, just keep the Bennie's/benefits coming.


[No Beliefs, Honor, Principles, or Values]


Burning Books, just were have we seen this before in history, and how many times has it been at the hands of power groups that have their own agendas, this group against the other group, rent the [BBC] British Broadcasting Company series the Tudors a you can see the Protestant Reformation, Henry the VIII, for personal gain burning Catholic Bibles replacing them with those Protestant Saint James Bibles not written by hand but now printed on the Guttenberg Printing Press, or you can get the move Triumph of The Will, about the rise to power of Der Furer Adolph Hitler, and see as Nazis [SS], burned Jewish Torahs, but these are not the only incidents in the history of the world. The crooks and criminals of Washington, D. C., take theirs so called oaths of office upon a what, you guessed it a Bible, were upon they cross their fingers doing what no person with any faith of any nature would do, there are no principles, beliefs, values, or honor even among thieves within the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex. As much as the Protestant Reformation Church of King Henry the VII, prostituted itself to the will of the King, so to has the Faithless American-Israeli Military Industry Complex Citizenry and so called Christian Churches sold them selves to that very Complex.


[Saying the words don't make it so]


The Temple, Church, or Mosques of the Faithless Citizenry of the American-Israeli Military Industrial Complex is Wall St, its Rabbis, Ministers, Priests, Imams', or so called religious leaders are the crooks and criminals of Washington, D. C. and there Saints or protectors are the Pentagon, and all arms of government that serve to protect the myth of the Shining Beacon of Freedom, a shinning light that is kept burning at the expense of other than they them selves. Make no mistake this is in fact a WAR ON ISLAM, it is a War Between to opposing belief systems, value systems, cultural systems, one idiot in the seat of power after another idiot can repeat the same lines of the script that this is not a WAR ON ISLAM, but it don't make it so. 



Saturday, September 11, 2010




[Beware the American Israeli Military Industrial Complex]


The real message of [9/11], is one that will not be understood nor will it accepted by the American Empire, the real message of [9/11] is that the world will no longer standby as the American Empires Military Industrial Complex, continues to undermined the Freedoms of the Community of Nations. The American Empire and its News Media will continue to cry of Terrorism and the terrible loss of life committed upon innocent civilians by crazed Islamic Terrorist as around the American Empire Korans are burned in protest.  The problem is that these very American Empire Citizens were in fact not innocent, they were part of the problem, and the entire citizenry of the American Empire are the problem, the problem of they See Nothing, Hear Nothing and Know Nothing, they sit silent at crimes against humanity are committed on a daily basis in their names around the world. And, when any news organization dares to publish any reports of actions that are proven crimes against humanity there is an immediate outcry or innocents, the act was an accident or they claim no knowledge of any such incidents, they learned quickly after live pictures were being put on then Know Nothing, See Nothing, Hear Nothing Empire Citizens, when well its time you Knew, See and Hear for Yourselves, of public executions of Viet Cong prisoners, and actual fire fights in Vietnam. The Real Message is Beware the American Israeli Military Industrial Complex.


[Blind Eyes, Deaf Ears, and Closed Minds]


The act of [911], served as a Tolling of the Bell, Ask Not for Whom the Bell Tolls, It Tolls for Thee.  It's not a wake up call that the World should take up arms against Islam or Islamic Terrorists', but to Open the World Eyes, Ears, and Minds to the real terrorist, the one that was predicted by President Dwight David Eisenhower, the Terrorism of the American Empires Military Industrial Complex, the wake up call to the world to take action against the [CIA] Central Intelligence Agency working with the Israeli Mossad in country after country, to the Black Ops operations so frequently used around the world but most used in South American Countries, the snatch and grabs from country after country, the prisons were so many innocents have been taken abused and murdered by the true terrorist the [CIA] & Black Ops Operatives, of the American Military Industrial Complex. It is time to open those Blind Eyes, Deaf ears, and closed minds.


[Limit and/or Shut down American Empire Terrorism]



A new era has been opened by [911], one that must end the American Industrial Complex, Europe must call for the ending of the [Foothold] Europe by the American Industrial Complex, the withdrawal of its troops and nuclear weapons from European territory, Japan must demand the end to [Foothold] Far East, and the immediate withdrawal of all American Troops from Japanese Territory, along with its covert stash of nuclear weapons, all nations providing bases for troops of the American Industrial Complex troops must demand that those troops leave their territory. No Ships of the American Industrial Complex that will not allow inspection for nuclear weapons aboard should be denied access to ports of call, all American Industrial Complex aircraft should be denied access to air space or landing rights. The [CIA] and Mossad must be viewed as agencies operating against the interests of other than those of the American and Israel Military Industrial Complex. Wall St., Washington D. C., the [CIA], Black Ops, and Mossad are not working in anyone's interests beyond those of the American Israeli Industrial Complex, and it is time by what ever methods to limit their continued operations or shut them down, the biggest Terrorist in the World Today is the American Israeli Industrial Complex. The Real Message is to open your eyes, ears and mind to the true terrorism of the American Israeli Complex, and begin to place sever restrictions upon or totally end those operations, or face the consequences, world domination under that Complex.